
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me." - John 14:1

That's not my problem.

Or maybe it is...

You know, it's easy to discern the voice of God when one has parameters--a box--to work within. In a circumstance like that, God only can work certain ways. If it's not inside the box, it's not God. That's simple.

But what if the box gets taken away? What if the will of God becomes as unlimited as he truly is? Then...then, how do we discern his will? For me, it stops being a matter of trust in him and more of a matter of trust in myself: my heart, my discernment, my ability to hear and comprehend, my ability to detect the direction of the wind of the Spirit.

Hmm...it's become all about me, it seems. But if I can't clearly hear God, how do I find his direction?

On the other hand, don't I trust God enough to believe that he will make himself clear to me? He uses asses and angels...

Just some food for thought...

Here’s the intelligent post: Don’t take it personally.

This piece is the devotion I was privileged to share yesterday at our church staff meeting. I had a lousy day yesterday…I mean, a REALLY b...