
Just a word from our sponsor...

Hidey-ho. I'm just sitting here in front of my "new-to-me" Thinkpad T23 (nice machine), thinking that I should do a quick update. First off, I'm sorry I haven't kept this site moving. My bad. I'm still paying for it, so I've not given up yet. You never know what can happen. Second, the last month has been insane for me, shedule-wise, hence the silence. We made a flying trip to Pennsylvania on a family medical emergency (more on that trip later on), and I'm still in recovery.

But overally, life is pretty good. The depression seems to have subsided, although the questions about the future of my mission remain. I've started a small computer business, and it's going rather well. Folks like getting their PC's fixed. What can I say?

So, I'm good. And enjoying my "new" toy! ;)

Here’s the intelligent post: Don’t take it personally.

This piece is the devotion I was privileged to share yesterday at our church staff meeting. I had a lousy day yesterday…I mean, a REALLY b...