
Parents: Beware of the "Choking Game"

As the a parent of 4, this absolutely broke my heart:


It would be so horrible to find your child dead because of pursuing some "thrill." Really, the destructive effects of this are not so different from drugs. If you've not made the jump yet, the choking game is where kids will temporarily cut off the oxygen to their brain for a short period of time in order to pass out for a few seconds. This, apparently, is a thrill--mostly because it's a different sensation.

13 year old Gabriel Mordecai of Paradise, CA died from it.

Be aware of this, as it is becoming more and more prevalent.


Anonymous said...


My son, Gabriel Harry Mordecai

This web site has information and links to other articles.

Sarah Pacatte

Tory said...


Thanks for posting this link and going public with this. I know it must be hard for you...I can hardly imagine losing one of my children, especially to something of this nature. Be assured, my heart and prayers are with you.

Grace and Peace,

SarahPacatte said...

Thank you....
You're welcome.
Samuel and I taped Dr. Phil last week. It will air September 27, 2005.
God Bless you and all


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