
OK, better day today. Discouragement only nibbled for part of the evening...it didn't eat me alive. Actually, I'm getting really excited about certain elements of this church! Postmodernity is wierd, in that the same things that scare the crap out of you also excite you intensely. So I'm thinking of water...Len Sweet talks about orienting on the North Star--Jesus Christ--in AquaChurch. Sounds like a good plan to me...we anchor to Jesus Christ and trust the Spirit to lead us into the absolute unknown. Right. Like Voyage of the Dawn Treader sans Reepicheep.

Actually, I'm thinking of the cover of the Kansas album, "Point of Know Return."

I struggle here a bit, because I really want something fluid and different. I don't want to see this become a hoky home group--an "anti-church" church. That's not what I'm about. God has called me to the church--to help reawaken it, to revolutionize it. I guess that sounds presumptuous, but I just so yearn for a reawakening of authentic Biblical faith. The really frightening element of this is that I think authentic Biblical faith could look very different than anything any of us has ever seen before...and certainly different than the standard by which we measure our faith today.

Tomorrow evening we visit The Crossing in Sioux Falls.

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Here’s the intelligent post: Don’t take it personally.

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