
I'm apprehensive. I'm broke. And I yelled at the kids the morning. The first two are related. The third thing is not.

Why do I have so little faith. I mean, deep down inside, I'm worried about this. I have $80 in the checking account. I should be able to handle this. I've had less. We have plenty of food here. The lights are on. The bills are paid. Why am I worried?

Because I am, that's why.

I'm also bothered by the kid thing. My daughter didn't bother to inform me that she couldn't reach the school clothes...so she just stayed in her pajamas until 8:02 am when I came down from my shower. I got angry. I know, stupid reason. But that's life. And I'm not a morning person, ok? But it was really silly--her for not telling me she needed clothes, and me for losing my cool over something so trivial. I really need grace.

"A thick and shapeless tree-trunk would never believe
that it could become a statue, admired as a miracle of sculpture,
and would never submit itself to the chisel of the sculptor,
who sees by her genius what she can make of it." (St Ignatius)

Food for thought.

How is God using these two things to sculpt me?

Today's scripture is Luke 12:35-38. Alertness. How do I stay spiritually alert. Surely I would love to have the Master feed me--but how do I warrant such a prize? Let's backtrack a bit...how have I been unready today? Well, I think the answers are obvious. I should have known about the finances--a wise shepherd knows the state of his flocks and herds. It came as a bit of a surprise to me, and it shouldn't have. And beyond that, I shouldn't have bothered me so much. God has always taken care of us, I don't think he'll stop now. And the kids, well, they catch me off-guard more than anything else in my life. I love them dearly, but I'm never ready when crisis strikes, no matter how minor it may be. So my question is, "In this area of my life, how can I be more ready? Ready...to reflect God's grace and love?"

Perhaps the answer to being ready is to stop and think. In this passage, why were the servants ready? Because they thought to be so. They took a minute and considered the options, drawing the conclusion that it would be better for them to be prepared than not. So they did, and were justly rewarded.

So my answer to "being ready" today?

Think twice. Take a minute and consider.

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Here’s the intelligent post: Don’t take it personally.

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