
Ok, today I did something wierd.

Actually, two somethings.

First, I decided not to preach tomorrow. Instead, we're going to have an exploratory service based on Lectio Divina. Don't know what Lectio is? If you need something to energize your time with God and his word--and you'd like to learn how to really BE with him, I'd recommend it. Check here and here for more information. Admittedly, I'm a little aprehensive about tomorrow...but I really think God is in this, so it will work out just fine. It will just force some people outside of their box.

And that's a really good thing.

Second, I got a cat.

Yes, really. He's jet black, and his name is Paco. Don't believe me? When I get a digicam, I'll get a pic of him. Me...the quintessential cat hater...got a cat. And you know what else? I actually like him. He was helping me type earlier...along with trying to eat the vine that cascades down over my desk.

Oh, and don't blame this on my wife, either. It was my choice.

Both things. ;)

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